
commissions & infos

status: open

I'm a broke art student, please financially support me so I can deliver gay girls to you ù_ù also I'm busy bc of school so it'll take me some time to reply to messages n stuff! <3 doing my best to provide ya'll good content :)






Commission work for @Cels_Nihm on Twitter


Commission work for @ChiHaKai on Twitter


Commission work for @ChiHaKai on Twitter



prices base colors simple colors full render full illustration

Chibis range from 10€ to 20€, while outfit designs range from 15 to 25€. For song covers, the outfit design is free of charge if you are commissioning art from me! :DFor animated commissions (chibi, full character, illustration, MV...), please contact me first so we can discuss about the payment! (it can go anywhere from +40$ to +100$ or more, to be negociated).These are the minimum prices! They will be adjusted with the complexity of the piece, the number of characters (+80% of the price for each additional character) and other factors.PSST any Vocaloid song cover shall get -15% on the comm.../srs... please feed me some Vocaloid content...


Please do tell me if there's any deadline! There will be an extra fee of at least +80% if the commission has to be done for a short date (under two weeks). The shorter the deadline is, the bigger the extra fee gets D:Please credit me for icon/banner/vid use! If you use my work several times, it's fine as long as you credit me once :) For commercial use, I will discuss with the client for the price and use of my work (usually twice the price).I will decline any commission I cannot do/finish. The client will be fully reimbursed if that's the case.Any modification on my works must go through me first, and can involve additional costs (changing/adding an element, a color, adding accessories, etc).The price can be negotiated but if I set a final price, I will not start working on the commission until I get fully paid or I get 50% of the full payment!


Payment will be by Paypal/Ko-fi. I will need to be fully paid or have the first 50% to work on the commission (for the later case, +5€ will be added to the total price because of conversion issues, I'm sorry!).If you have any references/mood board/rough idea then please send them! The more informations, the better.Up to 3 redos of the sketch allowed! You can still point out small details to change during the process though <3Below fully colored illustrations, the work will be in 72dpi and the size around of 2000-3000px. Full illustrations will be in 300dpi, for larger sizes and/or CMYK conversion I will take additional fees! (and for videos, message me directly so we can discuss the work format directly :)I will come back to the client step by step. In case I cannot work on it for a while, I will be sending you a message two weeks after the last update! No rush, though >:(